Spanish Football Federation Apologizes for President Rubiales' Unacceptable Behavior


Spanish Football Federation Apologizes for President Rubiales' Unacceptable Behavior

The Spanish football federation has issued a sincere apology for the "totally unacceptable behavior" of its suspended president, Luis Rubiales, in the aftermath of the Women's World Cup final. Rubiales, who has been provisionally barred from all football activity by FIFA for 90 days, sparked global outrage when he forcibly kissed Spain midfielder Jenni Hermoso during the medal ceremony. The federation expressed deep regret for the damage caused to Spanish football, sport, society, and the values of football and sport as a whole.

The Controversial Incident

The incident occurred on August 20, following Spain's victory over England in the Women's World Cup final in Sydney. During the medal ceremony, Rubiales kissed Hermoso on the lips without her consent. While Rubiales has defended the kiss as a harmless peck, Hermoso has stated that she felt violated and described it as an assault. The incident sparked widespread condemnation and led to calls for Rubiales to resign from his position as president of the Spanish Football Federation.

Apologies and Acknowledgment of Damage

In a statement, the Spanish football federation expressed its deepest regret for the behavior of Rubiales, emphasizing that his actions do not represent the values of the federation or Spanish society as a whole. The federation acknowledged the enormous damage caused to Spanish football, sport, and society by Rubiales' actions. They extended their apologies to FIFA, UEFA, and especially the players of the Spanish national women's team, whose celebration of their historic World Cup victory was overshadowed by the controversy.

Inappropriate Statements and Actions

The statement from the federation also criticized Rubiales for his inappropriate and meaningless statements following the incident. They clarified that his remarks did not reflect the position of the Spanish football federation. The federation expressed sadness and embarrassment over the distress caused by Rubiales' words and actions. They stressed that the actions of Rubiales should be solely attributed to him, as he is the one responsible for his behavior before society, sporting bodies, and potentially the courts.

Investigation and Review of Governance

The Spanish Football Federation has taken immediate action in response to the incident. They have opened disciplinary proceedings against Rubiales and initiated an investigation into his actions to ensure that such behavior is not repeated. Additionally, the federation has committed to conducting a thorough review of all policies and procedures within the organization. They aim to present a comprehensive set of actions in the coming days to improve the governance of the Spanish Football Federation and repair, to the extent possible, the damage caused.

Calls for Resignation and Consequences

The incident involving Rubiales has sparked widespread criticism and calls for his resignation. Initially, the federation faced criticism for not immediately demanding Rubiales' resignation. However, the regional presidents of the RFEF have since called for him to step down from his position. FIFA has suspended Rubiales from his functions as president of the RFEF pending the investigation. There have even been suggestions of a potential 15-year ban from all football activities for Rubiales.

Impact on Spanish Women's National Team

The controversy surrounding Rubiales' behavior has had a significant impact on the Spanish women's national team. Dozens of Spanish players have gone on strike in protest, and almost all of the coaching staff has resigned. The team's historic triumph in the Women's World Cup has been overshadowed by the actions of Rubiales. The Spanish Football Federation recognizes the additional hurt and distress caused to the players and expresses its apologies for disrupting what should have been a celebratory moment for women's football in Spain.

Moving Forward and Repairing the Damage

The Spanish Football Federation acknowledges the need to move forward and repair the damage caused by Rubiales' behavior. They have expressed their commitment to ensuring that such incidents never happen again. The federation aims to implement a comprehensive set of actions that will improve governance and restore the integrity of Spanish football. They also intend to celebrate the achievements of the Spanish women's national team and recognize the impact and legacy of their World Cup victory.

Public Opinion and Support for the Federation

The incident involving Rubiales has attracted significant attention and scrutiny from the public, media, and football community. The behavior displayed by Rubiales has been widely condemned as disrespectful and inappropriate. Many have expressed their support for the Spanish Football Federation's apology and their efforts to investigate the incident and improve governance. The focus now remains on holding Rubiales accountable for his actions and ensuring that the Spanish Football Federation takes appropriate measures to prevent such incidents in the future.


The Spanish football federation has issued a sincere apology for the "totally unacceptable behavior" of President Luis Rubiales following the Women's World Cup final. The federation acknowledges the damage caused to Spanish football, sport, society, and the values of football and sport as a whole. They have initiated disciplinary proceedings against Rubiales and are conducting an investigation to prevent such incidents from happening again. The federation is committed to improving governance and repairing the damage caused, while also celebrating the achievements of the Spanish women's national team. Public support for the federation's actions is evident, as they strive to restore integrity and respect within Spanish football.


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